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来源: 新文学网 时间:2024-04-30
1、一场阴差阳错,半生苍海浮沉。 A blunder, half a life of the sea ups and downs. 2、一切都会好起来的,即使不是在今天。 Everything will be fine, even if it's not today. 3、看着毕业照上的每个人都在强撑欢笑。 Everyone in the graduation photo is laughing. 4、爱你很好,却只能到这里了。 Love you very good, but only here. 5、如果幸福有方向,向左?还是向右? If happiness has direction, to the left? Or right? 6、不经历黑暗的人,是无法懂得光明的。 He who does not experience darkness cannot understand light. 7、今后你的难过,不再有我。 In the future, you will be sad, no longer have me. 8、如果梦想折断了翅膀,我们还怎么飞翔。 If the dream breaks its wings, how can we fly. 9、原谅我鼓起勇气,还是从你的世界路过。 Forgive me for plucking up my courage and passing by your world. 10、也许,真的该离开了吧! Maybe, it's time to leave! 11、前世的尘,今世的风。 The dust of the past, the wind of the present. 12、没人懂你,就像全世界以为你是疯子。 No one understands you, just like the whole world thinks you are crazy. 13、慢慢来,不知不觉的就振作起来了。 Take your time and cheer up unconsciously. 14、我讨厌一个人在不同人空间留相同的言。 I hate a person leaving the same words in different spaces. 15、当你在等以后,就已经失去了永远。 When you wait, you have lost forever. 16、心灰意冷的我,已经麻木。 I'm already numb. 17、不伤心,是因为没有可以被伤的心。 Not sad, because there is no can be hurt heart. 18、很美不过平行线,相望相守不相交。 The most beautiful but parallel lines, do not intersect each other. 19、分手后的思念不叫思念,叫犯贱。 Missing after breaking up is not called missing, but being cheap. 20、总有人轻易得到我努力了很久的东西。 There are always people who can easily get what I've worked hard for a long time. 21、与爱无关,寂寞有染。 It has nothing to do with love. It's lonely. 22、越主动越卑微,越憧憬越失望。 The more initiative, the more humble, the more longing, the more disappointed. 23、摇曳的灵魂,无处安放的高傲。 Swaying soul, no place to place the pride. 24、我还在原地逗留,你却已渐行渐远。 I'm still here, but you're getting away. 25、为你赌注,义无反顾。 Bet for you, never look back. 26、只要心甘情愿,事情总会变得很简单。 As long as you are willing, things will always become very simple. 27、不管你爱是不爱,都是历史的尘埃。 Whether you love it or not, it is the dust of history. 28、晓来谁染枫林醉,点点滴滴都是离人泪! Xiao who dye Maple drunk, every drop is tears! 29、在有生之年遇见你,竟花光所有的运气。 I spent all my luck meeting you in my lifetime. 30、哪里有真爱,哪里就有奇迹。 Where there is true love, there are miracles. 31、喂,你的丑可以衬托出世界的美丽。 Hello, your ugliness can set off the beauty of the world. 32、当孤独变成习惯就不在奢求有人陪伴。 When loneliness becomes a habit, we don't want company. 33、我曾傲视群雄,也挥刀划破过苍穹。 I used to be proud of the heroes, and I also cut through the sky with my knife. 34、特别喜欢你,但我不能一辈子不要脸。 I like you very much, but I can't be shameless all my life. 35、既然爱了,就不要怕受到伤害。 Now that you love, don't be afraid to be hurt. 36、请你要过得好,并且让我一无所知。 Please have a good life and let me know nothing. 37、你了解过我多少?就说我不好。 How much do you know about me? Just say I'm not good. 38、笑到终于哭出来,哭到终于笑出来。 Laugh until you finally cry, cry until you finally laugh. 39、一个人的昼夜,真的好孤单,好寂寞。 A person's day and night, really good lonely, good lonely. 40、你必须跳下悬崖,在坠落空中生出翅膀。 You have to jump off a cliff and grow wings in the falling air. 41、念散,泪止,奈何依旧难忘卿颜。 Read scattered, tears stop, but still unforgettable Qing Yan. 42、你毕竟是我爱的人,何必怪别人。 After all, you are the one I love. Why blame others. 43、做个骄傲的男人,不娶平胸的女人。 Be a proud man and don't marry a flat breasted woman. 44、我们已经不能一起愉快的玩耍了。 We can't play happily any more. 45、曾经用心的对待/换来现在的陌生。 I used to treat with my heart in exchange for the strangeness now. 46、只有受过伤的人,才是道被爱的幸福。 Only those who have been hurt are the happiness of being loved. 47、我的淚,落在残花上,摔的粉碎。 My tears, fall on the residual flowers, fall to pieces. 48、只要你站在那里,我就能够自我治疗。 As long as you stand there, I can heal myself. 49、感情是场骗局,我顶多算个卧底。 Love is a fraud. I'm an undercover at best. 50、你其实不是怕高,你只是怕坠落。 You're not afraid of heights, you're just afraid of falling.





